CefBrowserSettings PropertiesXilium.CefGlue

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The CefBrowserSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplicationCache
Controls whether the application cache can be used. Also configurable using the "disable-application-cache" command-line switch.
Public propertyBackgroundColor
Opaque background color used for the browser before a document is loaded and when no document color is specified. By default the background color will be the same as CefSettings.background_color. Only the RGB compontents of the specified value will be used. The alpha component must greater than 0 to enable use of the background color but will be otherwise ignored.
Public propertyCaretBrowsing
Controls whether the caret position will be drawn. Also configurable using the "enable-caret-browsing" command-line switch.
Public propertyCursiveFontFamily
Public propertyDatabases
Controls whether databases can be used. Also configurable using the "disable-databases" command-line switch.
Public propertyDefaultEncoding
Default encoding for Web content. If empty "ISO-8859-1" will be used. Also configurable using the "default-encoding" command-line switch.
Public propertyDefaultFixedFontSize
Public propertyDefaultFontSize
Public propertyFantasyFontFamily
Public propertyFileAccessFromFileUrls
Controls whether file URLs will have access to other file URLs. Also configurable using the "allow-access-from-files" command-line switch.
Public propertyFixedFontFamily
Public propertyImageLoading
Controls whether image URLs will be loaded from the network. A cached image will still be rendered if requested. Also configurable using the "disable-image-loading" command-line switch.
Public propertyImageShrinkStandaloneToFit
Controls whether standalone images will be shrunk to fit the page. Also configurable using the "image-shrink-standalone-to-fit" command-line switch.
Public propertyJava
Controls whether the Java plugin will be loaded. Also configurable using the "disable-java" command-line switch.
Public propertyJavaScript
Controls whether JavaScript can be executed. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript" command-line switch.
Public propertyJavaScriptAccessClipboard
Controls whether JavaScript can access the clipboard. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-access-clipboard" command-line switch.
Public propertyJavaScriptCloseWindows
Controls whether JavaScript can be used to close windows that were not opened via JavaScript. JavaScript can still be used to close windows that were opened via JavaScript. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-close-windows" command-line switch.
Public propertyJavaScriptDomPaste
Controls whether DOM pasting is supported in the editor via execCommand("paste"). The |javascript_access_clipboard| setting must also be enabled. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-dom-paste" command-line switch.
Public propertyJavaScriptOpenWindows
Controls whether JavaScript can be used for opening windows. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-open-windows" command-line switch.
Public propertyLocalStorage
Controls whether local storage can be used. Also configurable using the "disable-local-storage" command-line switch.
Public propertyMinimumFontSize
Public propertyMinimumLogicalFontSize
Public propertyPlugins
Controls whether any plugins will be loaded. Also configurable using the "disable-plugins" command-line switch.
Public propertyRemoteFonts
Controls the loading of fonts from remote sources. Also configurable using the "disable-remote-fonts" command-line switch.
Public propertySansSerifFontFamily
Public propertySerifFontFamily
Public propertyStandardFontFamily
Public propertyTabToLinks
Controls whether the tab key can advance focus to links. Also configurable using the "disable-tab-to-links" command-line switch.
Public propertyTextAreaResize
Controls whether text areas can be resized. Also configurable using the "disable-text-area-resize" command-line switch.
Public propertyUniversalAccessFromFileUrls
Controls whether file URLs will have access to all URLs. Also configurable using the "allow-universal-access-from-files" command-line switch.
Public propertyWebGL
Controls whether WebGL can be used. Note that WebGL requires hardware support and may not work on all systems even when enabled. Also configurable using the "disable-webgl" command-line switch.
Public propertyWebSecurity
Controls whether web security restrictions (same-origin policy) will be enforced. Disabling this setting is not recommend as it will allow risky security behavior such as cross-site scripting (XSS). Also configurable using the "disable-web-security" command-line switch.
Public propertyWindowlessFrameRate
The maximum rate in frames per second (fps) that CefRenderHandler::OnPaint will be called for a windowless browser. The actual fps may be lower if the browser cannot generate frames at the requested rate. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 60 (default 30).
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