CefUriUnescapeRules EnumerationXilium.CefGlue

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

URI unescape rules passed to CefURIDecode().

Namespace: Xilium.CefGlue
Assembly: Xilium.CefGlue (in Xilium.CefGlue.dll) Version: 3.2272.2035.0 (3.2272.2035.0)

public enum CefUriUnescapeRules

  Member nameValueDescription
None0 Don't unescape anything at all.
Normal1 Don't unescape anything special, but all normal unescaping will happen. This is a placeholder and can't be combined with other flags (since it's just the absence of them). All other unescape rules imply "normal" in addition to their special meaning. Things like escaped letters, digits, and most symbols will get unescaped with this mode.
Spaces2 Convert %20 to spaces. In some places where we're showing URLs, we may want this. In places where the URL may be copied and pasted out, then you wouldn't want this since it might not be interpreted in one piece by other applications.
ControlChars8 Unescapes control characters such as %01. This INCLUDES NULLs. This is used for rare cases such as data: URL decoding where the result is binary data. This flag also unescapes BiDi control characters. DO NOT use CONTROL_CHARS if the URL is going to be displayed in the UI for security reasons.
ReplacePlusWithSpace16 URL queries use "+" for space. This flag controls that replacement.
See Also