CefTransitionType EnumerationXilium.CefGlue

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Transition type for a request. Made up of one source value and 0 or more qualifiers.

Namespace: Xilium.CefGlue
Assembly: Xilium.CefGlue (in Xilium.CefGlue.dll) Version: 3.2272.2035.0 (3.2272.2035.0)

public enum CefTransitionType

  Member nameValueDescription
Link0 Source is a link click or the JavaScript window.open function. This is also the default value for requests like sub-resource loads that are not navigations.
Explicit1 Source is some other "explicit" navigation action such as creating a new browser or using the LoadURL function. This is also the default value for navigations where the actual type is unknown.
AutoSubframe3 Source is a subframe navigation. This is any content that is automatically loaded in a non-toplevel frame. For example, if a page consists of several frames containing ads, those ad URLs will have this transition type. The user may not even realize the content in these pages is a separate frame, so may not care about the URL.
ManualSubframe4 Source is a subframe navigation explicitly requested by the user that will generate new navigation entries in the back/forward list. These are probably more important than frames that were automatically loaded in the background because the user probably cares about the fact that this link was loaded.
FormSubmit7 Source is a form submission by the user. NOTE: In some situations submitting a form does not result in this transition type. This can happen if the form uses a script to submit the contents.
Reload8 Source is a "reload" of the page via the Reload function or by re-visiting the same URL. NOTE: This is distinct from the concept of whether a particular load uses "reload semantics" (i.e. bypasses cached data).
SourceMask255 General mask defining the bits used for the source values.
BlockedFlag8388608 Attempted to visit a URL but was blocked.
ForwardBackFlag16777216 Used the Forward or Back function to navigate among browsing history.
ChainStartFlag268435456 The beginning of a navigation chain.
ChainEndFlag536870912 The last transition in a redirect chain.
ClientRedirectFlag1073741824 Redirects caused by JavaScript or a meta refresh tag on the page.
ServerRedirectFlag2147483648 Redirects sent from the server by HTTP headers.
IsRedirectMask3221225472 Used to test whether a transition involves a redirect.
QualifierMask4294967040 General mask defining the bits used for the qualifiers.
See Also