CefContextSafetyImplementation EnumerationXilium.CefGlue

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

CEF offers two context safety implementations with different performance characteristics.

Namespace: Xilium.CefGlue
Assembly: Xilium.CefGlue (in Xilium.CefGlue.dll) Version: 3.2272.2035.0 (3.2272.2035.0)

public enum CefContextSafetyImplementation

  Member nameValueDescription
SafeDefault0 The default implementation (value of 0) uses a map of hash values and should provide better performance in situations with a small number contexts.
SafeAlternate1 The alternate implementation (value of 1) uses a hidden value attached to each context and should provide better performance in situations with a large number of contexts.
Disabled-1 If you need better performance in the creation of V8 references and you plan to manually track context lifespan you can disable context safety by specifying a value of -1.
See Also