CefV8Value PropertiesXilium.CefGlue

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The CefV8Value type exposes the following members.

Public propertyHasException
Returns true if the last method call resulted in an exception. This attribute exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object.
Public propertyIsArray
True if the value type is array.
Public propertyIsBool
True if the value type is bool.
Public propertyIsDate
True if the value type is Date.
Public propertyIsDouble
True if the value type is double.
Public propertyIsFunction
True if the value type is function.
Public propertyIsInt
True if the value type is int.
Public propertyIsNull
True if the value type is null.
Public propertyIsObject
True if the value type is object.
Public propertyIsString
True if the value type is string.
Public propertyIsUInt
True if the value type is unsigned int.
Public propertyIsUndefined
True if the value type is undefined.
Public propertyIsUserCreated
OBJECT METHODS - These methods are only available on objects. Arrays and functions are also objects. String- and integer-based keys can be used interchangably with the framework converting between them as necessary. Returns true if this is a user created object.
Public propertyIsValid
Returns true if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed on the current thread. Do not call any other methods if this method returns false.
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